Discover My Simple 3 Step Strategy For Beating 'Sobriety Resistance'
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If you find yourself thinking 'no no no' about alcohol, but that little demon on your shoulder screams 'yes yes yes' in those vital moments, that's because you're still in an internal conflict with yourself about quitting.

Below is a quick strategy you can use at the pub with friends, a party or even sitting at home when that little demon (i.e. crave for a drink) kicks up and has you pushing everyone else out of the way to get to the bar.

There's still a part of you that wants to drink because you're stuck in an addictive pattern.

Even if you think you aren't 'addicted' as such, there's a part of you that's still running the 'I need a drink' way of being... and you're fighting against it (because you want to stop). This creates a lot of anger, frustration, overwhelm and other negative emotions - which makes the situation worse.

To overcome this you must 'STOP MAKING ALCOHOL AN OPTION' *Not shouting - just expressing how important this is. 

It has to become a non negotiable, 'Something that I don't do and that's that' type thing (and you keep repeating that until you feel the pattern start to weaken).

When you dance with it and continue to consider it, it feels much harder to stop doing it. This creates MORE  internal conflict and makes you flounder around between sober and drinker.
  • Step 1: Decide That Sobriety Is A Non Negotiable. You're going through a break up - there will be mental, physical & emotional changes. But just right now, this is the first step.
  • Step 2: Accept The Resistance. You'll feel all kinds of emotions from making this final decision - anxiety, anger, impatience, frustration, grief, overwhelm - but these emotions are just forms of resistance. NOTE: The resistance comes from depriving yourself of the normal dopamine hit you get when you think about alcohol. It's going into 'Fk you!' rebellion where your desire to stop is in conflict with your well rehearsed pattern of drinking.
  • Step 3: Smile And Say 'Can I be ok with...' to any feeling that comes up, it gets you out of resistance and thinking more clearly... and when practiced consistently, it starts to unravel the pattern.
'Can I be ok with needing a drink right now? 

Yes (don't act on it, just feel into it). 

Can I be ok with sitting with my friends and not drinking? 


**If it's a 'no' ask the same question again until it becomes a 'yes' - or vice versa depending on the context

Can I be ok with being around people who are drinking and not drink?


Can I be ok with ordering a soda?


Can I be ok with being hassled by my friends?


*Ask again until it's a 'yes' & you actually feel ok with it
This sounds almost too simple, but I can assure you it works (think about something now that creates some agitation, smile and say 'Can I be ok with <fill in the blank>?' to it, say 'yes' or 'no' (be honest) then notice how your body feels). 

Now, instead of pulling away from the feeling (which we normally do and that creates the uncomfortable feeling that causes us to drink), you're giving yourself permission and acceptance which relaxes your body & makes you feel better (and therefore less likely to need the dopamine hit from alcohol).

So now, at the pub or in social situations, either don't go until you've got a handle on the 'not drinking thing' - or use this technique.

You can also use this in a daily meditation, where you sit and any thought, feeling or scenario that comes up, ask the question, 'Can I be ok with <fill in the blank>?'.

And if you're ready to cultivate a sober mindset, stop cravings for alcohol, say 'I'm happily sober' with confidence and take control of your health & your life, join the Alcohol-Free In 30 Days Challenge. 

Click the button below to get all the deets.
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