"The Secret To Sobriety Is Letting Go Of 
Believing You Need Alcohol To Do, Be Or Have Something"

Ainsley Michelle Micallef

Sobriety Specialist @ Sob.r 
Hey, I'm Ainsley, a former hedonistic podium dancing party girl who loved my booze (and drugs and food and spending and social media and any other addiction known to man)

I could never stop at one, I sucked at moderating and I'd drink rapid fire because 'pacing' wasn't in my vocab... 

until one night, standing alone in a nightclub, 41yrs old and surrounded by 20yr olds, I realised I'd become that sad, drunk, middle-aged lady I never wanted to be and instantly felt embarrassed to be there (and promptly went home).

Then a guy told me to 'get off the meth' on a livestream. I wasn't on meth, but I was hungover, hadn't showered and basically looked like shit.

The final nail in the coffin was after 4 bottles of wine with a friend. I woke up that morning and decided I'd had enough.


So I locked myself in my house all weekend and did everything I could to release my desire for alcohol.

That was 4 years ago and I haven't had a drink since.

And I'd be lying if I said it was one single thing that created my success - or that all it took was a weekend to get over it. 

I tried many times before, but kept getting sucked back into it, because I was still making it an option in my life... 

AND I hadn't dealt with the issues that were causing me to drink in the first place.

You can quit drinking instantly (you do it every time you go to bed). 

It's keeping it that way that's the real test. So you need to completely let go of your emotional attachment to alcohol (and everything you associate with it), so you feel nothing towards it.

THIS is what puts the power back in your hands.

To formalise my sobriety work, I studied Counselling, worked in Mental Health and now combine my 14 years of study and experience into ONE SINGLE PRINCIPLE that set me (and now you) free from ever wanting a drink again.

I used this principle to overcome other addictions including meth, smoking, food, cocaine, bad relationships, spending... and even scrolling Facebook. I also overcame chronic anxiety, depression & suicidal ideations with the same principle I teach you.

And that's simply by helping you LET GO of a bunch of fake ideas about what you think this silly little liquid means to - and about - you.

I've been a dating/business/life Coach for 13yrs and trained in multiple modalities (NLP, EFT, CBT, Reiki & other Energy Healings, Hypnosis, Sedona Method, Gestalt, Attachment Theory, Law of Attraction). 

And I'm excited to take you on the most transformative journey of your life!
QUALIFICATIONS: Dip. Counselling, NLP Master Practitioner, Dip. Energy Healing (Reiki, Ascension, Alsemia), Cert. Positive Psychology, Cert. Emotional Freedom Technique, Cert. Law of Attraction Coaching, Cert. Training
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